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Peak Mountain 3

Natural Disaster

FA Aaron Rough
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Starts about 8 feet left of the arete on the Hidden boulder. Natural Disaster used to be a potential natural disaster in the making... the problem is pretty highball, and the crux is mostly figuring out the beta on the upper portion of the climb. However, the topout also used to be quite hollow and loose making for an uncontrollable potential disaster for an unsuspecting patron who just pulled down a little too hard.

That threat is gone now as the topout has purged itself leaving a large scar in it's wake. Natural Disaster now climbs pretty much strait up and tops out on the very left of this scar. A low start and some decent crimps set you up with questionable feet as you search for the last inconspicuous hold to get you over the top. The crux is definitely at the top still giving homage to the name "Natural Disaster".


A pad or two and a couple of spotters are a good idea for this one... the landing isn't so great and its pretty highball

2000 km
1000 mi