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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route adds 2 short pitches above

By a Thread


Style Man

for a fun 3 pitch sport climbing adventure. The first pitch is a short pitch directly above the

Style Man

anchor to fixed rap anchors on a ledge. The second pitch starts left with aid past 2 bolts (or hard face/slab moves inconsistent with the rest of the route) then continues up the left-facing corner above, exiting right onto a large ledge with rap anchors and plenty of loose rock. This pitch is fairly adventurous for a moderate sport climb.



Style Man

anchor, one 60m rope will get you from the top back to the

Style Man



8 quickdraws, one aider, and a couple of slings worked for the aid climbing bit and were left for the follower to use as well.

2000 km
1000 mi