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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


A fun technical traverse from left to right to a challenging reach/throw to a jug on the arete. Awkward looking, it unlocks into a nice sequence with more climbing than it first appears.

Locate an area with lots of chalked holds under the large boulder left of Men are from Moore's and trace the holds/chalk back left to a sit start just before it starts to go too deep into the darkness (although determined folks may be able to extend the path up and out from deeper). Negotiate your way around the crimpy diagonal block to where the gently overhanging wall meets the start block and finagle your way right aiming for a crescent shaped jug above. Lock on this and find a way to fire up and right (crux) to the usually chalked jug on the arete, near where the wall splits with the lower part angling towards Men are From Moore's and the upper part continuing up the massive overhang.


Starts in the hole under the very large boulder left of Men are from Moore's. Maybe adjacent to The Pit? (not sure where that one starts)


Several pads - the landing area is messy but can be well covered with enough pads to make it safe.

Routes in The Pit Area

2000 km
1000 mi