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Peak Mountain 3


FA Brad Young, Jennifer Wang, Brian Hamilton, Robert Behrens, Steve and Laura Dawson, October 1, 2017
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Straight up the face between Fanatical Fetcher and Snowballs. Six bolts are supplemented with small to medium cams. The route has a separate two-bolt anchor (near the Snowballs anchor, but facing toward this route).

Note: the first ascent party debated long and hard about placing or not placing what is now the route's third bolt. Very good gear is available (and needed) shortly below and above this bolt. The greatly increased possibility of a hard-hitting fall onto a ledge without the bolt led to its placement.


Right of center on the northeast face.


Several small to one inch pieces and six bolts.

2000 km
1000 mi