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Peak Mountain 3

Dripper Left

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start at a right-slanting flake and then stem and contort your way up and left until able to reach into the bottom of a widening flake. The crux is controlling the swing as you commit to the flake but shorter climbers may disagree with that. Once established in the flake make a few airy moves and mantle over on jugs. A short bit of easy but exposed face leads to the top. Quality.

Downclimb by heading to the left and then down a slab with some knobs which will get you onto the shelf above Driblet, where a quick hand traverse and final easy corner will get you to the ground (see photo).


Center of the West Face.


pads, spotter

Routes in Dripper Boulder

1000 km
1000 mi