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Peak Mountain 3

Fallen Hero

FA Aidan Maguire
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Fallen Hero 10d.First pitch is a 4 star classic with a killer roof section very different from the usual Leap roof problem, and continuous tricky shallow corner/layback. Went in around 9:11:2001, hence the name. Second pitch is harder and  2 star goes at 12a. A blank right leaning dihedral that goes up to the Bookmark ledge to a chain anchor that can be accessed from that ledge.

Gear to Camelot 1. Blue TCU before 1st bolt. RP for top.  Mostly small medium cams/nuts. 4 bolts. 60 m rope for prefect lower off from P1

Can TR with a little work. P2 anchor on Bookmark main ledge. Easy chain anchor rap to P1 anchor to set up TR

Note: I would like to add 2 bolts to P1 should anyone have the where withal get in touch


Right of Bookmark by about 40 feet


Gear to Camelot 1. Blue TCU before 1st bolt. RP for top. Mostly small medium cams/nuts. 4 bolts. 60 m rope for prefect lower off from P1

2000 km
1000 mi