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Peak Mountain 3

Big Pickle

FA ??
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is a great route that is located in the same spot as the

Beach Crack

. Basically instead of following the

Beach Crack

out to the right you go straight up on tiny crimps. Start with a left hand on a good hold at the edge of the shoulder height hueco and a right hand on a crimp in the rail that is right above the hueco. High step and throw for a tiny crimp up and right with your right hand. Figure out a way to get your left hand up to a crimp above this. Unbelievably, the crux is still yet to come and involves shifting your weight to gain the better holds at the top. After you get to the good holds, you can exit right and top out.


Kahuna Boulder at

Beach Crack



A pad should do.

2000 km
1000 mi