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Peak Mountain 3

Unknown (10a sport with trad 10b second pitch)

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Begin with a fun, little romp up a tricky, slabby start, then make heady moves on easy terrain to the anchors. This one is bolted perfectly safely, just don't fall on the easy parts. If you can pull off the first sequence, you'll be fine up above.

After the bolted first pitch, there is apparently a 10b trad pitch that follows the vertical crack up to the roof, traverses left up through the roof, and terminates at the bolted anchors of

Three Amigos

. I haven't had chance to try this yet, though.


It is just right of

Three Amigos

and just left of the Unknown 5.8- with red bed-frame hangers. This is up the hill and left from the easier mixed lines. The first bolt should be easy to spot just above a bulgy thing.


6-ish bolts + anchors.

2000 km
1000 mi