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Peak Mountain 3

Sunshine Slab

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The obvious face to the right of Sickle Roof, this route is classic for its position, exposure and view.

Scramble up to the base and the crux is right off the ground, then easy protectable climbing to the top.

The route can be split up into two pitches and there is a bolt (strange triangle hanger) on a ledge right before the final 20 or 30 feet of the route. Recommended if you need to supervise a less experienced second.


Descend via Shark Fin Gully, the obvious gully climber's right of the route. Requires some 4th class to traverse to from the top of the route. It is a good idea to shortrope or spot inexperienced partners.


Mostly nuts but a few small cams and TCU's can be helpful. Larger cams necessary for the anchor at the top of the route.

3000 km
2000 mi