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Peak Mountain 3

Legal in Denmark

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


From a large boulder clip the first bolt and work your slabtastic self up through the next 3 bolts.


From the area with Totally Tubular and Bath Water etc.  Move towards the formation with Beak of the Week etc.  continue right around this formation towards the start of Super Beak of the Desert.  Continue towards the actual Beak Boulder.  You'll come to a corridor with a route on the actual face of the Beak Boulder and 3 routes on the formation opposite the Beak. This is the left four bolt route starting off a high boulder.

From the "path" heading around the bigger formation, head up boulder past

Unknown #1

and throw yourself to the next boulder left.


4 bolts; 2 bolt anchor/rap

1000 km
500 mi