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Peak Mountain 3

Big Tuna

FA Greg Arnold (May 26, 2014)
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Big Tuna [5.12d] links Hot Tuna [5.12a] with Motion in the Ocean [5.12d].

Climb Hot Tuna and clip the anchors (both bolts) continue on mini crimps with technical foot stemming. Head right at the roof, traversing the hidden holds underneath the large run-out overhang. Perform a miraculous dynamic lunging knee-bar to a solid rest and a much-deserved bolt. Continue on Motion with more stemming and a 5.12c bulge. Finish on Motion in the Ocean anchors.


West Face Main Rock


Draws: Hot Tuna: 7 + Motion in the Ocean: 4 = 11 Total

1000 km
1000 mi