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Peak Mountain 3

Chad's Mantel

FA Chad Suchoski (2010)
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


A quite perplexing puzzle, this route has been know to stump climbers capable of climbing far more difficult routes. Begin by reaching up and clipping the first bolt. Now make a long reach for some, a dyno for most, and monkey bar onto a large rail. Hand traverse out right, kick a foot up for a heel hook and enjoy being able to place a bomber #3 Camalot anywhere you wish. Traverse your way out to the right edge, and now find a way to mantle up onto the overhanging ledge and step around the corner. From here, 4 bolts protect thin 5.10 edging to the anchors.

This route was put in ground up and hand drilled on stances. Two bolts were added after the first ascent because of the thin potato chip flakes on the route which did not allow an acceptable opportunity for more protection to be added on the F.A. Which would have been appreciated and taken advantage of.


Located on the large (West face) overhanging blank looking wall of the Scone boulder. You pass by this large overhanging wall when walking up the main trail just before passing over the Dental wall. It's the big one on the right.


Cams, 2 #3 C4's. Draws.

500 km
500 mi