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Peak Mountain 3

Flintstone Feet

FA Glenn McHam, Dwight Kroll, 2013
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Climb direct-start slab or come in from the right off a block into diagonal cracks for easier climbing. Gain a small ledge, climb featured face above, then transition into the crux slab near the top. Guidebook rates 5.8+.


Second bolted route on the far left side of Tiger Cage, immediately right of Give That Cat a Comb.


Bolts, pro to 3". A single bolt only is at the top; you can back it up with gear. For top rope, an alternative to setting a gear anchor is to utilize the 1-bolt "anchor" for this route and the 2-bolt anchor for the route immediately left, functioning as a TR for both routes.

2000 km
1000 mi