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Peak Mountain 3

Lichen to Die

FA Ben Hoiness
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This gear line starts by climbing the bouldery moves to a ledge left of Outermost Limits. From the ledge, place protection out right and traverse into the main event on steep flat holds leading right. Place gear when you can get it, and then traverse back left making moves on sloping edges, underclings, and finger jams. Hold back the pump, and mantle onto the ledge.


The start is the obvious orange lichen streaked face, left of the arete to the left of Outermost Limits.


Gear: Small wires, 1 00tcu, 2 0 c3's. A crash pad may be a good idea for protecting potential ground falls.

Anchors: There are 2 old button head bolts that were used to lower off from an old route climbing in from further left. The route will be further equipped fall 2015.

1000 km
500 mi