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Peak Mountain 3

Bridge Tender

FA Todd Offenbacher, Mike Schwartz
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Mostly vertical. Great holds. Short and sweet. Lower off.


WARNING: This route is just long enough to lower your partner with a 60 meter rope. Mind your positioning as belayer (stand close to the wall) and TIE A STOPPER KNOT to avoid the end of the rope slipping through the belay device and dropping your partner as they lower near the bottom.

The rock here is mostly good, but are a few loose blocks; test holds before trusting them and yell "ROCK" "like someone's gonna die" if anything comes down. Even quarter size rocks seem like they've come out of a slingshot when they fall off Village Wall because of its length and angle.

From the beginning of Village Wall, continue West walking across to the end of a fallen tree where the path continues. From here you can see a large flat boulder leaning against the crag. Bridge Tender is Left of this boulder at the arete. Bushes have been trimmed back at the base.


Well protected. 7 bolts. Mussy hooks at anchor.

1000 km
1000 mi