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Peak Mountain 3


FA Alex Enright
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Stand start matched on the obvious jug rail at the back of the Hueco-like feature (same start as Squid Pro Quo, but heads right instead of left). Go right to a crimp and flip left hand to a sidepull. Go to the sloper lip and set a hard kneebar. Grab slopers and do twisty kneebar stuff to end up on the same topout crimps out left as Squid Pro Quo. If you're bad a kneebars like me, this will seem harder.

A lower start on two underclings is possible and would likely bump the grade to ~12.


Southeast corner of the boulder


3-4 pads

Routes in Mollusk Boulder

  1. 2
2000 km
1000 mi