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Peak Mountain 3

Golden Eagle Feathers

FA August 2020
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start up the first pitch of Brown Cow. Traverse left into bomb-bay chimney by way of exciting 11b slab (high #4 camalot) or sketchy 10c flake and blocks. See topo. A bolt may be a reasonable addition to the slab variation. P6 ends at a prominent gully. From here you can scramble to the top of Warbonnet, traverse off the mountain, continue up the "Tail Feather" headwall, or rappel using Whether or Not anchors. Pitches 7 and 8 could be combined to make a stellar 5.13. P10 is a bolted slab on the arete. Do NOT cross the arete until the last bolt. The first ascent team core shot their rope doing so. Protection is available just after turning the corner. However, another bolt on the arete would be warranted to avoid slicing a rope.


See topo. Shares start of Brown Cow


See topo.

1000 km
1000 mi