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Peak Mountain 3

Home of the World Famous Peanut Bar

FA Leland Windham, Frank Bush 2012
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is a pretty fun mixed climb. Start is bolted, top is finger crack. Very sustained after 3rd bolt, pulling small bulge and gaining crack.

1st time I did this I thought it 10c, I was tired this last time, seemed harder.


Bum Rush( 10c crack ) is left, Hamhocks ( 5.9 crack )is right

You will see the only chain anchor on the face.


I think it was 6 bolts, watch out for razor sharp rock near start.

maybe 3 cams needed, but have a selection from .3-.5 camalot size,or some nuts too.

Good chain anchor.

2000 km
1000 mi