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Peak Mountain 3

Box of Rain

FA Eli Boardman 6-27-18
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is a fun and unique route that follows an obvious crack system 35 meters straight up to the rappel station at the huge dead tree. Scramble up some 3rd class slabs to belay below the first steep part. A short, wet dihedral marks the start of the climb. Some grassy ledges lead to the "box" portion, a drippy squeeze chimney with some face holds. Climb up the entire length of the "box" and escape left (crux), climbing more grassy ledges up and left to the rappel tree.

Despite being rather wet, this route is worth doing for the interesting movement and aesthetic line.


Locate the dead rappel tree on a big ledge on the left side of the wall. "Box of Rain" climbs a distinctive and very straight crack system below and to the right of the rappel tree. It is about 30-50 feet left of "Shakedown Street," which climbs broken cracks below and left of the rappel tree.


singles of cams .3 to 3

tricams white-pink

regular set of ballnuts, including the large ones (important for crux pro, lacking these would make it pg13)

Routes in Terrapin Wall

500 km
500 mi