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Peak Mountain 3

Bullet Proof

FA 3/6/16
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


BULLET PROOF - 5.10a *** 85’ F(9b)

Excellent climbing on excellent rock up the narrow face off to the far left (just left of the huge triangular flake part way up the face), Begin at the base of the middle of the face stepping up and right to follow the shallow inside corner to the mid level (wide sidepulling) bulging crux directly above. Sustained 4 star climbing leads to the easier 2 star upper section. Quick link anchors on the lip of the large ledge half way up the face. Probably a notch harder for climbers without a long reach.


At the far left end of the Last Wall, about 200' south of the large vertical crack. Climbs the middle of the narrow face just left of the large triangular flake.


Fixed - 9 bolts. 2 ring anchors at the top lip

2000 km
1000 mi