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Peak Mountain 3

My Secret Garden



Left Side

The beautiful face to the right of an arching right facing dihedral. 

Turning Tricks 5.10 quality

Night Moves 5.10 quality

Shady Lady 5.9

Hurts So Good 5.11- quality

Middle Section

A multipart section downhill of a large evergreen tree at the end of a ledge.

Milla 5.8-

Twiggy 5.8

Routes located above the small cave.

Plaid Skirts 5.7+ quality

American Beauty 5.8 quality

Routes located slightly downhill from the cave.

Lolita  5.6+ quality

Little Mutt  5.6

Routes located on rock at a right angle to the previous climbs.

Vixen 5.7

Plan B 5.11- quality

Bettie Page 5.9

Right Section

The  first rock found when approaching the crag.

Desert Landscape 5.11 quality

Gutter Slut 5.8+

Brazilian Wax Job 5.9

Pocket Cougar 5.11- quality

Rawdawgin 5.11- R quality

Jailbait 5.10+

Golddigger 5.11b/c quality



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