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Peak Mountain 3

Strawberry Hill Buttress



This buttress is full of great moderates! The rock quality is great and it's easily approached. The buttress is naturally divided into two main sections. The slabby eastern section is immediately to the right of the Echove area and Hot Flash. The western part is the area of the primary rappel descent as well as routes such as Under Raps and Country Quencher. This is reached by skirting west near the base of the main wall and climbing some exposed third class to ledges beneath the rap route.

The main descent for routes reaching the top of the buttress is to walk west for about 50 yards and rappel from a large dead tree. The first rappel is long (almost 50 meters). Two more rappels, each less than 25 meters, lead to the ground at the western end of the buttress. Scrambling leads down the slabs to the approach trail.



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